PySide and Maya2014
I've been working with PySide to make some tools for our Animation department. Part of that process involves a UI that is generated on the fly based on data read in from a spreadsheet. It was important that each UI component had a unique and predictable object name so that I could access the information it contained and save it out later. In case anyone else needs to do it, or has a better way, here is an example of the process I use. Thanks to Nathan Horne and Chris Zurbrigg for their very useful examples! # System # System import sys import os # GUI Modules from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import maya.OpenMayaUI as apiUI # Allows converting pointers to Python objects from shiboken import wrapInstance def maya_main_window(): main_win_ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow() return wrapInstance(long(main_win_ptr), QtGui.QWidget) # Create out Dialog class, inheriting from QDialog class Dialog(QtGui.QDialog): # Call the maya_main_window command to parent it def _...