
Showing posts from September, 2013

PySide and Maya2014

I've been working with PySide to make some tools for our Animation department. Part of that process involves a UI that is generated on the fly based on data read in from a spreadsheet. It was important that each UI component had a unique and predictable object name so that I could access the information it contained and save it out later. In case anyone else needs to do it, or has a better way, here is an example of the process I use.  Thanks to Nathan Horne and Chris Zurbrigg  for their very useful examples! # System # System import sys import os # GUI Modules from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import maya.OpenMayaUI as apiUI # Allows converting pointers to Python objects from shiboken import wrapInstance def maya_main_window(): main_win_ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow() return wrapInstance(long(main_win_ptr), QtGui.QWidget) # Create out Dialog class, inheriting from QDialog class Dialog(QtGui.QDialog): # Call the maya_main_window command to parent it def __init__(se

ZBrush SpeedSculpt- Wagon!

Another Speedsculpt, made entirely in ZBrush primarily using Cube and Cylinder primitives, the clipping brush and the new Dynamesh features. A Wagon. 

3d Print- Old Man Mathers, MG Turret

Just for fun I had a couple of prints done through shapeways of my recent speed sculpts. Both of these were printed in the White Strong and Flexible material- AKA Fine Polyamide. Much of the original sculpt's details were lost in each case, but they have been valuable studies in how to make better prints in the future.

Zbrush Sculpt: MG Turret

Another Zbrush Sculpt. This time an MG turret. The design is based on a turret in Dark District . 

ZBrush Speedsculpt: Old Man Mathers

Slow day today. Decided to do a quick ZBrush speed sculpt for fun. A little more refinement. Rendered from Zbrush. First Version, with massive nose.